Summary: Moody students! Come by and get your headshot - no appointment necessary! It's the perfect opportunity to get a high quality pic for your LinkedIN, Handshake profile, or personal website/portfolio.
Don't miss this Moody chance to upgrade your professional game with a top-notch headshot! No appointments necessary, just swing by during the photo booth hours. RSVP on Hanshake events so we know you are coming. It's the perfect opportunity to capture a high-quality image for your LinkedIn, Handshake profile, or personal website/portfolio, and make a memorable first impression. Bring your Moody friends and roommates. This is a Moody-only service. We cannot accommodate photo sessions for non-Moody students.
Join us for a come-and-go poster session showcasing multidisciplinary work and creativity for seniors in the Moody College Honors Program who are completing their capstone.
Have questions about UTNY? Drop-in to get them answered from the UTNY team.
Hone your application and get ready for our upcoming deadline! Spring 2025 applications due May 7.