RSVP for info about UT’s Third Annual Student Screenwriting Festival—a creative gathering all about screenwriting!
We'll start each day in CMB Studio 4C.
All students are welcome!
The fest will include where to start with an idea for a television series or a movie, television and feature film structure and character development. There will be pizza, snacks, prizes, and a ton of fun!
SCHEDULE (subject to change)
Friday Feb. 23rd at 5pm
Welcome! Pizza Party—CMB Studio 4C
- 5pm: Welcome/Mixer
- Students get food/drink and chat with each other, grad students, and professors
- 6pm: Informal lecture
- Includes interactive discussion/“games”
- 7pm: Look ahead to Saturday
Saturday Feb. 24th at 11am
Creating a Show Day!
- 11am in CMB Studio 4C: Welcome Back
- Small intro into what the day will look like/split into groups
- Hand out prompts for the shows!
- 12pm in Classrooms (CMB 4.114, CMA 3.120, CMA 3.124): WORKSHOP 1
- Workshop 1—Premise/World
- 1pm in Classrooms: WORKSHOP 2
- Workshop 2—Characters
- 2pm: LUNCH
- Location TBD
- 3pm in Classrooms: WORKSHOP 3
- Workshop 3—Franchise/Prep for Pitch
- 4pm in CMB Studio 4C: Break
- Give them a break/maybe play a fun game
- 5-7 pm in CMB Studio 4C: Pitches/Q&A
- Grad Students will “judge” pitches—Positivity!
- 7pm in CMB Studio 4C: Wrap Up
Note: The festival is being organized by students and staff from the Department of Radio-Television-Film with support from the Moody College of Communication.
Occurrences: 2
Occurrence 1:
Start Date: February 23 @ 5:00pm
End Date: February 23 @ 8:00pm
Occurrence 2:
Start Date: February 24 @ 11:00am
End Date: February 24 @ 7:00pm
Event Categories: Guest Speaker Panel Discussion Screening Social
Location: CMB 4.122 Studio 4C
Website: RSVP for more details!
Target audience: Students